Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
事务: 并发控制的基本单位(一系列数据库操作的集合)
Problem: structural feature engineering over the graph is expensive.
=> Graph Representation Learning aimed to learn latent(潜在的) feature matrix
Representation learning for graph mining?
The goal is to map each node into a latent low-dimensional space such that network structure information is encoded into distributional node representations.
Degree in Microsoft Academic Graph(MAG):
Author collaboration graph(undirected graph)
Degree represents the number of collaborators each author has.
Paper citation graph(directed graph)
In-degree represents the number of citations each paper collects.
Out-degree represents the number of references each paper covers.
- What is a Knowledge Graph?
Knowledge Graph = Entities + Relationships + Attributes
Popular Knowledge Graphs(General): Google Knowledge Graph, Microsofy Satori Knowledge Graph
Domain Specific Knowledge Graphs: Microsoft Academic Graph, Linkedin Economic Graph, Common Sense Knowledge Graph